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Tech Art Writeups

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Editor Tools

Advanced Spawner

Expanding on the shader set project, this writeup contains details of how an improved in-editor spawning tool was developed. Download PDF for full details.

Batch Processing

Polygon Reductions and Texture Styling

Designed to both optimize and stylize, these tools for Maya and Photoshop allow for batch processing for both technical and aesthetic considerations. Download PDF for full details.

Vertex Painting Shaders

Quick Natural Stylings

A version of the same vertex painting shader made in Unity and Unreal designed to look like moss on stones. Download PDF for full details.

Shader Set

Stylized Shaders

A set of custom shaders to bring extra life to a heavily stylized asset kit. Includes a metallic detail shader, a glowing lava shader with flow map, a flickering candle shader, and a basic item spawner. Download PDF for full details.

VFX Shader

Modular Shader for Variety of Effects

Modular PBR shader that supports an array of effects without sacrificing performance. Download PDF for full details.

Model Viewer


Mobile-friendly juicy interactions for a car model. PDF includes link to playable demo.

Customizable Car Shader

Shader and UI

Building off the model viewer project, this PDF contains an explanation for how a custom shader and UI were set up in order to customize and deck out a car model. Includes link to playable build.

Tech Art: Files
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